Thank you for visiting my website! I have served four terms on the Clarkston Community Schools Board of Education over the last 19 years. I am running again for a fifth term (6 years) to continue to serve our community and most importantly our students. I was first elected in 2001 and again re-elected in 2005, 2009, and 2014. I have worked tirelessly to present this school district as the excellent school district that it is. I have worked to maintain a positive district image and ALWAYS put kids first. To find out more about me, please visit the Biographical Information page.

Clarkston Community Schools has entered a new chapter in our history with Dr. Shawn Ryan, our superintendent. Our staff has just navigated a challenging and difficult time for our entire community through a global pandemic. We have done our very best to keep kids and families engaged in learning throughout these difficult times.

We realize that baseline academics are important, but learning isn’t possible when students and families come to us with other challenges. We have provided students and families with food. We have started school health clinics to bring health care services to our community and make it accessible to everyone. We have partnerships with other service organizations to best meet the needs of our families and students truly taking care of and focusing on the WHOLE CHILD.

We have been innovative as well creating a 100% virtual offering, hybrid offerings, and partnerships with other schools to deliver instruction in core areas using Clarkston Community Schools Staff. These partnerships allow us to take care of more children while also offering financial security and expanded offerings/programs to our Clarkston kids.

The success of Clarkston Community Schools depends on the support of our community and our employees. We have excellent relationships with our employee groups and we routinely serve as a model for the entire state. These relationships have allowed us to focus on our students and not administrative nonsense while always pulling together in the same direction when it comes to innovation and kids!

The school board election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020 and will have three six year Board of Education seats up for election. I ask that you vote for Steve Hyer on November 3rd and allow me to continue serving you, our community, and our students.

Please check out this video from 2014:

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, any ideas, or need any explanation on anything. I look forward to hearing from you. I have been accessible and available throughout the last 19 years and will remain visible and available into the future. Please feel free to call me at work 248-625-0817, at home 248-922-0170 or send me an email at [email protected] or [email protected]

The opinions and viewpoints expressed on this website are strictly my own personal opinions and in no way are meant to be an official position of the school board or the school district.